联系人: 李先生 戴先生
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E-mail: dgjjbxg@163.com
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The most popular US college rankings are published annually by US News,
National University Rankings [1]
Harvard University
Princeton University
Yale University
Columbia University
University of Chicago
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Stanford University
Duke University
University of Pennsylvania
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
US News also publishes an international college ranking, which uses a different ranking metric, and it includes the famous Chinese universities,
World's Best Universities; Top 400 Universities in the World
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
University of Cambridge
Harvard University
44. Peking University (北京大学)
48. Tsinghua University (清华大学)
90. Fudan University (复旦大学)
As expected, the famous schools (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford) are at the top. In fact, when somebody admits for the first time that she or he graduated from Harvard, we call it "Dropping the 'H'-bomb".
But I bet there's a lot of schools in the top 50 that Chinese people have never heard of. These schools are household names in America.
For example, take Emory University (Rank 20). When two of my friends from China were admitted to Emory, I was ecstatic for them! Who in America hasn't heard of Emory? But then they told me that they were really concerned: they said nobody they asked in China had ever heard of Emory. They weren't sure whether it was a good school or not.
But what Americans think about these schools is a little more complicated. A useful way to look at American expectations is to look at their pocketbooks. Take a look at this study by Sallie Mae (Sallie Mae lends for student loans) on how American families pay for college How America Pays 2012 [2]
As you can see, a large portion of the tuition costs is shouldered by the student. This stems from the cultural and legal tradition that Americans are adults at 18 and therefore independent by the time many start college. But it is also an economic reality, since American parents tend to have a mortgage on their house, more than one child to put through college and maybe even student loans of their own.
I'm actually surprised by how low the numbers are in the study because almost all of my friends either worked part time or took loans or did both to help pay for school. For example, I worked part-time as a Resident Assistant in the dorms and that covered my room and board (food). Most of my friends also worked at paid summer internships instead of taking extra classes.
When I was applying for college, I remember visiting one of my teachers from middle school and she gave me the best college advice I remember, "Don't take out a loan for undergrad unless you absolutely have to," she said. When it was time to choose from the colleges that accepted me, I followed this advice. I could have gone to a private college famous for its engineering program if my family took out loans each year. But I decided to go to my state's public school, which also gave me a scholarship. Now that I've graduated, I've witnessed the fruition of my teacher's advice. I make as much or more than my friends who went to famous schools, not because I'm more talented, but because I work in a high-paying industry. And I'm also not burdened by the need to repay over a hundred thousand dollars.
With these financial restrictions in mind, American families try to look for the best value colleges. Thus a different ranking published by US News can be more useful,
Top Public Schools [3]
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Virginia
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
College of William and Mary
Georgia Institute of Technology
University of California, Davis
University of California, San Diego
University of California, Santa Barbara
If a family lives in the state of a public school, the student can attend the school at in-state tuition rates. In-state tuition is generally half the price of out-of-state or private school tuition. For example, at University of California, Berkeley, the in-state tuition is $14,985 per year, while the out-of-state tuition is $37,863 per year; at Harvard, the tuition is $38,480 per year.[4] This cost is only for tuition and doesn't include living expenses, books and travel. This makes a huge difference when families' decide on which school a student will attend.
But I also remember that when I was applying to college, my high school friends and I didn't rely very much on any of the rankings. We came to that conclusion after we discussed how the rankings were calculated. Up until a couple years ago, the US News college ranking would not only publish the result of the ranking, but also publish most of the data that it used to create those rankings (I can't find this data online anymore, unfortunately). We noticed that some of the colleges that were highly recommended by our college friends were very low on the rankings or didn't appear at all. This made us curious, so we graphed the data. Most of the data seemed to have a slight correlation with the rankings, but there were always outliers. One dataset fit the rankings almost exactly - Spending per Student. For example, Harvard (Rank 1) spends approximately $80,000 on each student over the course of her or his college career, while University of California, San Diego (Rank 38) spends approximately $20,000.[5] Other journalists had also noticed that the colleges were consistently ranked by Spending per Student; online commentators questioned whether the rankings would actually help students or would give them a lopsided perspective on which colleges were most suitable.
In addition to the questions about the ranking methodology, there is also debate about the ranking's usefulness. Washington Post Education Columnist, Jay Mathews, elaborates on studies that found no correlation between the prestigiousness of a school (including factors such as its rank) and a graduate's annual salary 15 years later. The data shows that students with similar GPA's in high school made similar amounts of money; looking at the data, you couldn't tell who went to an Ivy League and who went to a state school. Mathews contends that there are plenty of people who are smart enough and accomplished enough to go to a famous school, and choosing not to go, for whatever reason, has not been a disadvantage to them.[6]
This complex set of considerations, plus the plethora of choices awaiting high school seniors, could be a reason why the college visit and the first impression that a student receives from the campus is more persuasive than any newspaper ranking.
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As always, if you have the courage and patience to translate this into Chinese, then go for it! =P
[1] http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities/spp+50
[2] https://www1.salliemae.com/about/news_info/research/how_america_pays_2012/#main-content
[3] http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities/top-public
[4] http://registrar.berkeley.edu/Registration/feesched.html
[5] http://collegemeasures.org/4-year_colleges/institution/Harvard-University-MA/scorecard/cost-per-student/
[6] http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44122857/ns/business-school_inc_/t/whats-ivy-league-education-worth/
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我来翻译@Brian 老师的答案!如果你觉得有道理或者有帮助,请去给@Brian 老师的回答点赞同或者感谢!
最广为人知的美国大学排名是一年一度的US News 全美大学排名 National University Rankings [1]
同时,US News 也会发布全球大学排名,这个排名与上面的全美大学排名所采用的标准有所不同,一些著名的中国大学也跻身这份榜单之中。
World's Best Universities; Top 400 Universities in the World
44. 北京大学
48. 清华大学
90. 复旦大学
正如我们所想的,哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿、斯坦福这样的名校都名列榜首。事实上,当我们身边有人第一次承认她或者他是一个哈佛毕业生的时候,我们有一个专门的用语,叫做“Dropping the 'H'-bomb”。(译者注:H-bomb 是氢弹的俗称,而哈佛的英文名字首字母也是H,“扔氢弹”来指代承认某人是哈佛毕业生时给别人带来的特殊感受)
当然,美国人在选择学校的时候考虑的因素会更复杂一些。我们可以通过分析美国人的教育资金支出情况来了解他们这些考虑。比如这个学生教育贷款机构 Sallie Mae 提供的关于美国家庭如何承担大学费用的调查。How America Pays 2012 [2]
事实上,我很吃惊于这个调查结果中学生自己承担学费的比例是如此之低,因为我认识的所有朋友几乎都是自己承担自己的学费。他们或者有兼职工作,或者有学生贷款,或者两者都有。就拿我来说,我在学校宿舍担任兼职宿舍管理员,这份工资可以覆盖我的住宿和伙食费用。大多数我的朋友暑假会选择有薪酬的暑期实习,而不是在学校学习额外的夏季学期课程。(译者注:Resident Assistant 常见于美国大学,职责范围很广,更像中国大学里的辅导员,而不是中国大学的宿舍管理员)
因此,US News 的另一份榜单——公立大学排名——就会非常有用。
Top Public Schools [3]
如果你家就住在这个公立大学所在的州,那就可以享受州内学生的学费减免待遇。一般来说,州内学生的学费是州外学生学费或者私立大学学费的一半。比如加州大学伯克利分校的州内学费是每年$14985,州外学生的学费是每年$37863,而哈佛大学的学费则是每年$38480。[4] 这只是单纯的学费,不包括生活费、书费和交通费。在选择大学的时候,这是一个非常大的影响因素。
我还记得在我们申请大学的时候,我和我的高中同学们并不太看重这些学校排名。之所以如此,是因为我们讨论了这些排名是如何出炉的。就在几年前,US News 不仅仅公布大学排名的结果,还会公开排名所依据的各类数据(很可惜现在的网络上已经找不到这些数据了)。我们注意到,有一些我们的大学朋友们极力推荐的学校排名非常低,甚至有的都没有上榜。我们很好奇,于是就图像化分析了这些数据。我们发现大多数数据对最终的排名都有轻微的影响,但也总是有一些统计学上的异常数据。有一项数据的排名几乎就是最终的大学排名,这项数据就是每个学生的平均教育资金投入。比如排名第1位的哈佛大学为每位学生在整个本科期间的课程大约花费8万美元,而排名第38位的加州大学圣迭戈分校的这个数字大约为2万美元。[5] 很多记者也发现了大学排名跟每个学生的平均课程花费是基本一致的。有些网上的评论因此提出了质疑,到底这些排名能够真正帮助学生合理选校,还是充满了不合理的偏见。
除了对于大学排名的方法的质疑,还有人在质疑大学排名是否真的有用。华盛顿邮报的教育专栏作家 Jay Mathaws 详细的报道了一个关于大学的声誉(包括学校排名等因素)和其毕业生工作15年后的年薪并没有任何关系的调查研究。数据显示,有关系的是高中成绩,那些在高中期间成绩类似的学生工作后的年薪也在同一水平。只根据工作后的年薪这一数据,你根本无法分辨谁是常春藤盟校的毕业生,谁是州立大学的毕业生。Mathews 认为,很多学生足够聪明也足够有能力去那些名校,但出于各种原因,他们没有选择去名校,而这并没有阻碍他们的发展。[6]
[1] National University Rankings
[2] How America Pays 2012
[3] Top Public Schools
[4] Registration Fees
[5] Cost per Student Analysis
[6] What's an Ivy League education worth?
以上翻译自@Brian 的答案 美国人心目中的美国大学排名是怎样的?
有不准确和不恰当的地方请大家指正。再次说明,如果你觉得有道理或者有帮助,请去给@Brian 的回答点赞同或者感谢!
编辑于 2013-07-01 49 条评论 感谢
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Souloral Assigns、Jarvis Tse、邓胖 等人赞同
4.任何排名的重点都是学术,而美国大部分人对于学术并不是那么渴望,大部分美国人都是读一个本科毕业就去工作,他们并没有中国对graduate school那么青睐。所以他们只要努力选择一个感兴趣的专业就可以。
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